After having Brooke Thursday night, She and I stayed at St Vincents through Sunday morning. It was quite an experience since I have never personally been hospitalized or had any surgery. Mitch spent the night with me Thursday night and my mom relieved him around 9 so that he could go home, walk the dogs and get some actual sleep, lol.
Brooke at 15 hours old
Friday morning they came and took me off the IVs and took out my catheter from the surgery so that I could get out of bed. They were surprised at how well I was able to get around so soon and I was surprised at the pain I felt and when I felt it. (for example, just moving slightly in the bed caused more pain than walking.) Friday went by pretty quickly and my mom headed home around 2 or 3, with some laundry to do for Brooke and some requests for a few things for me. Mitch brought his dad with him when he came back around 2, since Wayne had just driven in (he's a truck driver). He spent a few hours with us, holding Brooke and catching up. Kris and Marie came around 4 or 5, with some beautiful carnations and Mitch's boss Todd brought us flowers around that time as well. It was a very thoughtful gesture I thought, but Mitch said it was just so that Todd could leave early on a Friday! lol.
Uncle Kris and Aunt Marie with Brooke
It was probably a combination of the two. Even Josh dropped by in there somewhere, but it was quite a full room, so he only stayed for a few minutes. We were alone again by 6 or so. We really enjoyed just holding her and playing with her. Mr and Mrs Bishop came around 7 and Mrs Bishop held Brooke for most of the hour and a half that they were there! :) Sasha and Justin came in around 7:30 or 7:45 and we had a good time talking and laughing. Mitch got us pizza for dinner, from Als which was very good. Mitch headed home around 10 or so to walk to dogs and get some sleep.
Uncle Josh jumping into the picture of Aunt Sasha and Brooke :)
That night I kept Brooke in the room mostly, but did send her to the nursery between feedings at 2 so that I could sleep. I made sure they brought her back by 5 though so that I could feed her again before she saw her pediatrician. (every morning they take all the babies to the nursery between 6 and 9 for the doctors to check them and so they can bath them.) Mitch came back at 6:30 and kept going down to the nursery to see her before he left for the flea market at 8:30. Mom came around 9 and spent the morning oooing and awwing over her granddaughter. :) Susan brought me Chic fil a for lunch and we had started watching the Georgia/Tennessee game. Mom headed home as soon as Mitch came in around 2. I think she was worried about taking time away from Mitch and I but I don't know what I would have done without having her there! :) Mitch and I realized at 4 that we hadn't gotten anyone to walk the dogs and he had been gone since 5 so he had to run home to walk them. He tried to hurry back but just missed seeing Wendy and Travis. They came around 5:15, bearing gifts. lol. They had brought us dinner from Five Guys.
In one of my baby outfits with a sleeping hat!
My dad came in as Travis and Wendy were leaving and Mitch came in a few minutes later. Mitch dug into the bags of food and asked I if I had ordered a cheeseburger too. I just said yes. I didn't realize until several minutes later that he was eating the small cheeseburger, ketchup only (which was mine) instead of the large cheeseburger, all the way that he had ordered. I literally screamed when I noticed it! lol He was almost done with it, and was like "I was wondering why there were no vegetables on my burger," as I handed him the obviously bigger burger. I only got 2 bites of mine. Thankfully they had gotten us plenty of fries so I didn't go hungry! Dad left shortly after that, and headed to my mom's. They came back around 8 so they could watch the UF/LSU game with us. They left about 10 and Mitch stayed until 11 or so but headed home after that.
Grandma, Uncle Josh and Brooke
That night I kept Brooke with me the whole night (partially because I really didn't like the nursery nurse that was on duty, she was rude and overbearing and I really wanted to hit her!) So after I fed her and she fell asleep I arranged the pillows and wedged her between me and another pillow. It was so sweet to sleep with her. I definitely understand why people can't give it up.
Sunday morning I was waiting and waiting for my doctor to see us, so that we could get discharged but the doctor on call didn't come in until almost 11. Once he gave the orders though, we were rolling. They came in and did Brooke's discharge paperwork with us. Then the nurses came in and took my staples out, which hurt a little bit here and there but not badly. I started getting dressed and then they came and gave me a shot. By 1 we were on the road. It was so sweet because we brought her home in the same dress I came home from the hospital in, with the blanket that my grandmother crocheted for me to come home from the hospital in. She was so precious and sweet!
When we were loading up the car, I asked the nurse to take a picture of the three of us, and Brooke had begun moving her hands around and rested them in her lap with her fingers intertwined together! It was so cute! We got home around 1:30 and have been adjusting ever since!
Yea! What a sweet account of Brooke's first few days - you will have to printthis out & put it in her baby book!