Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas Cookies Sunday School Party

The Christmas season is always full of events. There's rarely a weekend day that isn't jam packed with to do lists, decorating, shopping or parties. This Christmas season was no different. One event that I was greatly looking forward to, and really enjoyed was our Christmas Cookies Sunday School Party. Sweet Allison and David opened their home for us to bring cookies/goodies and enjoy a sweet time of fellowship. With the cold weather, back yard firepit, friendly faces and Christmas music, this event really hit the spot! Here are some pictures from the night!

Braxton sitting by the fire like a big boy
Me and my sweet babies. Don't you love Dave's lights on the fence?? SO festive!

Our Beautiful hosts! Allison and David
Sweet ladies from class, Laura, Allison, Natalie and Teena
Brax and Brooke
Reindeer Braxton!
SO glad we got at least one good one of Mitch and I. Even though he hates taking pictures :)

Friday, November 23, 2012

Let us give thanks....

Thanksgiving is always a time of family togetherness, and this year was no different. We usually do Thanksgiving with my mom and then with my in laws, but this year my in-laws took a trip to my MIL's hometown, so we spent the better part of the day at my moms. There was plenty of cooking, eating and cleaning for us kids (Me, Amy, Josh and Mitch) and plenty of playing and truck rides for Paw Paw and the grandkids. :) Mom of course did the 'heavy lifting' with all the shopping, planning and a lot of cooking!

Here's me, keeping up with the dishes as we cooked.
Amy and I as we worked on all the side dishes.
Grandma Gwen did a great job on the deviled eggs. :) Look how cute she is!
Josh Cutting the Turkey
Brookelynne and Braxton had a great time playing in the back yard. Brookelynne was in her own kitchen 'cooking dinner' and Braxton and Paw Paw would go to work and come home to see what she had made for them. It was pretty cute. 

Friday, November 16, 2012

Pearson Playground is Back in Business

As much as I LOVE LOVE LOVE being a born and bred Floridian, it makes for some very hot and uncomfortable days outside each year. That fact is why the back yard got just a little bit out of hand over this summer. Between overgrown grass, more heat and bugs than anyone likes, we didn't go play outside much for several months. Once the summer was over, and we had to move everything around for a hurricane scare, and then we started on inside projects, and I never got around to cleaning the back yard up and putting it back in working order for play, until just a few weeks ago. Thankfully the cooler weather and the newly cleaned back yard make for some really fun times in the Pearson Playground! :)

One new addition to the set is that Brookelynne got a new swing for her birthday! An adorable wood swing that Gabba gave her, made by some Amish people in Tennessee. :)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Birthday Nay Nay!

Its November and that means something VERY important....Nay Nay's Birthday! Me and the kids made a trip across town to to see her at work, bringing cupcakes and singing as well! :) Here are some sweet shots I got of her and her Bs  that day! :)

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Monsters Monsters Everywhere!

Happy Halloween from the Pearsons! We enjoy taking the opportunity to be imaginative and 'pretend' with our kids on this American holiday, and this year our little guys got to be Monster-Dinosaurs. (as they called themselves). We got their costumes at Gymboree, and they were just perfect for the night, since there was a little chill in the air. I added the bow to Brooke's costume, and we headed out for a night of Trick Or Treating.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Gameday Cookies and a Dawgs Win!

My Mama's Mama was a Georgia Bulldog fan, and therefore, so is my Mama, and So am I. :) While I love the Noles, and chose to root for them, the Dawgs have a special place in my heart and I love rooting them on and no weekend is that more true than Florida-Georgia weekend! :) I always watch the game with my mom, and this year was no different. Both my parents converged on the house 45 minutes before game time, just long enough for us to eat dinner and get started on B&B's first time making cookies. :) From Scratch.

Here's Paw Paw pouring the chips and nuts in and helping them stir.

My Little Georgia Girl, and Cute Georgia Boy!

Lastly, Brookelynne helped Gabba put the cookie dough on the pans. She and Braxton learned quickly that cookie dough tastes great and that its fun and silly to eat it! :)

Best part of the day was, Of Course, that Georgia won! :) Yay! Go Dawgs!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Brookelynne's 3!

Our beautiful little girl is 3 years old already. It seems like just yesterday she came into the world as a beautiful, precious baby, with precious little features and the most amazing little spirit. She's a bundle of fun and energy that is as smart, funny, adorable and lovable as she can be. We still can't believe she's three!

We had her checkup a couple weeks after her birthday and her stats are in!
Height is 39" which is in the 90th percentile and her Weight is 31 lbs which is in the 50th percentile.

She's growing like a weed, as is obvious by the height percentile she has, and stands taller than almost all of her friends (Her friend Logan who is 4 weeks older, is 3 inches taller :) But, he's kinda of like a giant. JK! He's precious too!) Anyway, she has no trouble keeping up with kids 8 months or even a year older than her, and loves learning anything she can.

She's talking in full sentences, and can pretty much say anything she wants to say.  She's also learning sign language and has already learned "Nice to meet you", "Where's Daddy?", "He's at work", "He's at home", "Excuse Me", several colors, several family members, as well as all the basics (please, thank you, sorry, eat, drink, etc). She's doing really well with it and doesn't take long to catch on to anything I try to teach her. She really enjoys it, and loves teaching it to Braxton too.

She's wearing 4T clothes, as all the 3T stuff is too short on her arms and legs. She's in size 10 shoes and loves getting new ones. She likes shiney ones, boots, tennis shoes, flip flops, pretty much any kind of shoe. Its pretty hilarious.

She's learned 6 or 8 Bible verses and is great at memorizing. She refuses to memorize phone numbers, as we have tried to teach her, lol. She doesn't seem to understand the concept of double numbers (Mitch's number has 33 in it and mine has 22, she will just say one of them and keep going.)

She loves playing pretend, doing puzzles and snuggling with her Mama! What a blessing she is! We're so thankful for her!
 Brookelynne at 2 1/4

 2  1/2

 2 3/4 years old

Brookelynne is 3 years old!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Abbi, Abbi, Go, GO, GO! Cheerleading Competition time!

This year, Tricia coached Abbi's cheerleading team again, and of course, I would NOT miss competition for anything! :) Anna, Braxton, Davis and Brookelynne were right there and ready to cheer her on, just a few rows from the stage, along with her Daddy, Nana and me!

She did a great job and they won 1st place for their division! GO Coach Tricia and GO ABBI! :)

Here's a couple shots of my sweet girl with her favorite Abbi! :) Seriously, how cute are they!?!?!?

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Good Old Fashioned Fun at the Low Country Boil

 Once again this year we had a Low Country Boil at the Ellis's house. And once again, it was a great time had by all. The kids loved playing on the trampoline, slide and swings. Especially the rope swing. They tried it with Mama and then Brookelynne wanted to do it alone, so we let her. And, she was great at it! She absolutely LOVED it, and kept getting back in line to do it again and again. Mitch got to spend an hour or so playing vollyball, defending our class against the Jones's class. :)

Here are some of my favorite shots from the day!
 Brooke and Mama on the rope swing together

 Braxton and Mama swinging!

 Brookelynne on the rope swing and Braxton playing with the football

 How. Stinking. Cute. Are. They.????? :)

 These two are our 'model shots' :) Brooke in the grass, and Brax with his GQ look. haha

 Sweet family photo by the water :)

 I'm so thankful for a young couple's department who cares about investing in young couples and realizes low stress, family fun is a great way to get to know everyone!