Saturday, July 11, 2009

All work and no play makes for a very sore girl!

So this week Mitch has been on vacation. Which in my husband's mind means that he should have left work on Friday evening last week, come home and spent the next 9 days doing absolutely nothing. No chores, no projects, no dates, no nothing. His idea of vacation is being able to sit at home and have nothing to do for the entire time he's off work. This to me is not only boring but highly unproductive when we have so much to accomplish! lol. So what did I do? Well needless to say I made plans for him...

Starting with last Saturday and Sunday, we worked very hard on the wood floors at my mom's house. Then on Monday and Tuesday I had to work at my real job, and allowed Mitch to do nothing. Then Wednesday we went over to my mom's with the goal of working on the baby furniture but other things came up and we weren't as productive as I would have liked. So Thursday he refused to go help. So he stayed home and I went and stripped furniture for close to 8 hours. :) And bright and early yesterday we headed back to my mom's for more furniture fun! lol. We worked for several hours yesterday and got a lot accomplished, and then when it was time for Mitch to come inside and be online for the close of the market, I went and got my nails done! :P It was very nice.

I even managed to get a date night out of the deal, since Mitch took me to the movies last night to see the Proposal. Unfortunately, in my current state which includes feeling like a whale, the theater seats are highly uncomfortable and I practically hunched over all the way to the car. I swear I looked like an old woman holding the arm of her grandson for support. Needless to say, we probably won't return to the movies until our little bundle of joy is out of my stomach cavity! :)

1 comment:

  1. I hate to be the one to tell you, but you probably won't be going to the movies for a while. Collin is 3 months old & we still haven't been back to the theatre!
